Look, over there: Further sources.

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You have been warned.

On the telly (you know, that streaming box that people used to watch before they knew better)

  • All the seasons of Doctor Who, of course, for wibbly-wobbly Time mechanics and hiding aliens in plain sight. Also, because it's fun. Also, Time Ladies & Lords could be a possible version of the Time Hierarchy.
  • The TV series Continuum, for what happens when different Continuums collide.
  • The TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, also for what happens when different Continuums collide. Also, one of the versions of Skynet could be one possible version of the Time Hierarchy.

On the interweb (you know, that other box no which people follow social networks, until they know better)

On the larger screen

  • The Terminator, because it's cool.
  • Terminator 2, because it's cool, too.
  • Even Terminator 3, for an Explanation that somehow Bandages the Continuum from all the damage done in Terminator 2.
  • Back to the Future trilogy, for more wibbly-wobbly time paradoxes.

On your computer

  • Day of the Tentacle, just because. Also, fun time paradoxes.
  • The Monkey Island series, just because. Also, more fun time paradoxes.
  • The Legacy of Kain/Blood Omen series, for cosmic-level intrigues through Space·Time. Also, the (mad?) Guardians of the Pillars could be one possible version of the Time Hierarchy.

Role-Playing Games

  • Nobilis, by Rebecca Sean Borgstrom, for how easy it is to extinguish all life in the universe by messing up with reality. Also, for how easy it is to reboot the universe without noticing. Also, either Nobles or Excrucians could be possible versions of the Time Hierarchy.
  • Amber Diceless Role-Playing Game, by Erick Wujcik, for guidelines on everything cosmic-scale, in particular confrontations. Also, one possible version of the Time Hierarchy.

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