"Have Time Machine, will travel throughout Space·Time. First need to escape from the British Library. Urgent help needed."

Ad found in this morning's edition of The Mirror.

Have you ever wanted to visit time and space, fighting impossible enemies with your wits and handwaving away paradoxes?

This is the daily life of the Time Bureaucrats. Just don't forget to stay on the lookout for mad scientists, time-traveling diseases and dictators, the odd black hole, and the permanent risk of turning your life into an explosive Pocket Continuum. Also, please fill three copies of this form.

Or – even better – desert, become a Ronin Time Bureaucrat and let others deal with most of the consequences. After all, they did sign up for the Bureaucracy, the poor shmucks.


This game is strongly inspired from the BBC TV Series Doctor Who.

Some inspiration may also be found in the Role-Playing Games Everyway, Engel and Amber Diceless RPG.


This book is may be copied and modified, as long as you respect the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. License for some illustrations may vary, see at the end. You may find the unformatted source code for this book on Github (https://github.com/Yoric/ronin-time-bureaucrats/) and read it online on Gitbook (https://legacy.gitbook.com/book/yoric/rogue-time-bureaucrats).

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